Bar Jack Gets Free Meal And Protection From Dangerous Friend

7 years ago

The bar jack is a crafty and opportunistic fish that is quite common in waters all around the Caribbean. Divers love the bright blue stripe along their back and the agility with which they swim around people. They are always on the lookout for a meal and will often swim past groups of scuba divers in the hope of picking up scraps. Their color varies, depending on their surroundings. Often, they are a glimmering silver color with an iridescent blue back. In this case, the bar jack has turned dark grey to blend in with a southern stingray that he is shadowing carefully as he waits for food.

What the bar jack knows is that the <a href="" target="_blank">stingray</a> can uncover or scare up food that hides beneath the sand. Few creatures could detect a completely buried crab or mollusk, but it is easy for the stingray. It is designed to skim along the ocean bottom using highly refined electrical sensors to detect the smallest of impulses from hidden prey. It uses its wings to beat the sand and uncover the animals so it can inhale them. Water, sand and scraps are expelled through the stingray's vents and the bar jack will be waiting.

When food appears, the bar jack darts forward with lightning speed to snatch it. Occasionally, the jack will even steal a morsel from in front of the stingray.

An added benefit to this relationship is that the stingray is a fearsome animal with a very formidable means of defense. Its tail has a large barb that is capable of shredding a would be predator. Packed with a very powerful venom, the stinger can be deadly due to the toxin it secretes. This provides the bar jack with a much appreciated level of protection. <a href="" target="_blank">Stingrays</a> are not aggressive and they do not use their tail for hunting or attacking animals of any kind. They are only used when the stingray perceives and attack from above.

This bar jack has a protector and a provider all in one.

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