"Y Tu Mama Tambien" (2001) Directed by Alfonso Cuaron #mexico #alfonsocuarón

10 months ago

“Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea”.

Y Tu Mama Tambien or “And Your Mama too” is a loose follow on from Alfonso Cuaron’s debut feature Love in a Time of Hysteria as it follows vaguely similar themes of sexual exploration and living a hedonistic, carefree life, however this is far superior to his cinematic debut and a firm lifelong favourite of mine. Numerous characters pervade this story but I will concentrate on the three main characters briefly below but for this film specifically I wish to keep my treatise brief, to the point and hopefully in a way that will entice you to track down a copy of this gem and view for yourself. It’s firstly clearly a deeply personal film for the Director and an ode and love story to his homeland of Mexico and of Mexican life. The film can be easily summarised as a simple “Road Trip” movie and a trip to a somewhat mysterious beach and of three characters (two young impressionable men and an older lady) thrown together by circumstance and by lust and adventure. The film has a seemingly pervasive narrative strand of everyone having a past, of escapism, adventure, thrill seeking and wringing everything possible out of every experience. But I’ve loved this film for over fifteen years purely because it’s so difficult to summarise and it’s astounding, deeply affecting, provocative, funny, alarming, melancholic, shocking and not always an easy film to watch. Throw in a search for identity, a loss of innocence, sexual awakening, lies, deceit, friendship, love, lust and loss and you have a wonderful and deeply affecting piece of cinema.

The above opening paragraph is taken from my original article contained within an opus love-in appreciation of the films of Alfonso Cuaron and all of his first nine films, from "Love in a time of Hysteria" in 1991 through to "Gravity" in 2013 can be read in full and for free via my original blog article linked immediately below:


Appetite whetted? I do hope so! If so, the link below contains my 7 volumes and extensive and "essential film reviews collection". Only available in e-book form (at the moment), each volume costs £4.99 or should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package each and every volume can be read for free:



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