Christian News Today | Persecution Abounds

1 year ago

Christian News Today | Persecution Abounds

In today's Christian News update, we look at several recent stories of persecution, and also focus on how Christians are commanded to respond. Our stories include a young preacher who was giving a sermon on a sidewalk, and was shot in the head. This tragic event is still under investigation and he remains in critical condition.

A Satanic organization is having after-school meetings at an elementary school in Connecticut to combat Christianity.

Kirk Cameron has been defending the faith against critics of his children's books and against a mega publisher who makes evil books for children.

And we also weigh in on the Candace Owens vs Ben Shapiro drama that has heated up recently. We look at the scripture that Candace Owens posted on "X" and how Ben Shapiro responded to Candace posting the words of Jesus Christ.

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