One take on why I cover politics with Zero edit. Zero music. Zero flash.

10 months ago

@derbsmcbergs your case was from pre covid 2019- it's now 2023 , no disrespect meant, but that's not the end all be all of what is fact and of reality. As far as copied comments, that's not the case with me for spam, if the first one never sends? They made one *massive mistake* in that case (quote you made about you tube)-it's dead wrong in context - lookit - Cable is a private network, owned by private company, the internet and you tube is in fact the epidome of public broadcasters, on a public network of broadcasting, lol , so you are comparing a privately owned cable network, to a literally public accessable anywhere online - federal owned internet platform (usa gov), with a state owned network platform, ie you tube/ google/ california . That means the above court case is irrelevant, zero comparison when comparing private cable networks to public internet- sorry but context is way off and they missed it , not my mistake!!! Court cases are perspectives that HAVE been offered and argued. Alot of cases miss a lot, that's why we appeal. My very perspective, discussed here has zero relation with what you discussed, and zero court case so far. Just because a perspective, has yet to be faught in court, that has zero effect of what the law is, or the intrepretation of it, in my case, and perspective as the creator on this platform, is that the internet is owned by state governement, look it up. That's what the internet is.
You have a few great points, But I think you may have missed a few things , with the exception of my comments and text on this platform. That is the speech, just letting you know this is not manhatton, this is Houston Texas and you can clearly look up the Hr21 law and the Texas constitution as well as United States Constitutional Freedom of Speech right, required in this platform also, In which this platform agreed to, when it agreed to do buisiness here, in which has been only pressed once, in court in a completely different way, due to sexual sex trafficing case where crime was organized on facebook, but facebook was not held responsible, was faught all wrong in my opinion, and was lost by incompetence of explaining perspective , which is how most cases are lost, not becuase there was not a crime committed, and I listed that citing in the video above and the next one coming out rn, maybe will be up tomorrow. But it has never been faught in court that I know of from a creator vs a platform in reference to shadowbanning. Shadow banning is a fancy word for "they hide me". ThaT Term in itself is illegal, when operating a public open platform to share. Yes? That in itself sounds illegal to me, *thank you for recognizing that we are in fact shadownbanned* for real for real. Also it is public broadcasting - the internet lol.
A few rebuttals, you are allowed to think what you want just as I am allowed to constructively answer and argue back. Some think I should remian silent , sorry that's not who I am. In order for you tube to nuke me off this platform they would have to have reason and justification, the same with removing my words, in text on this platform and ideas, and as of right now they just don't - hence my entire point of the above video. I am Blocking them from the next step and from continuing to do it with so many others, who have more to risk than I do, so they can't fight back for what's right and they have less resources and ability to do so. And so the you tube bot bully gets stronger, until what?
Infringement is when there is negatie bias, and as such, selective enforcement is the result, so when it comes to doing bussiness (Commerce) in the state of Texas-that's illegal, as far as I know, you are open to correct me if I am wrong with cited law and court cases that prove, such, until otherwise, that is The Texas law. If I have to present my case, I will. And after you see the next video, and the end of this one, you already know we are on our way to doing just that and it's not gonna be just me, I'm taking everybody that has been infringed, with me, to collect, for what wrong was done, to make right. To make sure this doesn't happen anymore. Within a platform, it still has to follow legal laws, and disclosures within the platforms from the creators- This platform or any other is simply not exempt from laws and disclosures otherwise, so I made a disclosure that they simply ignored, for that you tube and google are in fact liable by law, for now, and in breech of contract, owe me monetary fund for deleting my words, my thoughts and my creations due to the eliminating of my freespeech and inaliegnable rights as battled for and signed into our God given American constitution. Because Youtube uses bots and my disclosure got overlooked is of zero concern to me, they broke the law, period. Just because I am a mechanic , doesn't make my dislosure (seen below) any less legit or authenic.
𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝔀𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓘 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓸 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓼𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱.

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