The Truth of Crooked Hillary's Rally - InfoWars - Kadster Lenen - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Sep 20, 2016

"Hillary Bars Alt Press, Busses In Students to Hide Pitiful Rally Turnout. Millie Weaver catches up with Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia at her latest speaking event only to find out that Hillary staged it! At Temple University, in a building designed to hold 4600 people, campaigners claimed the event had full capacity with just over 100 attendees. Hillary "bused in" High School students as crowd filler to minimize exposure that she needed help getting upstairs, crooked Hillary, SHAME on you!
Breaking Good News! Trump has his OWN TV channel!
Tired of those devious EVIL rigged TV channels full of LIES such as CNN=Clinton News Network, ABC= All Behind Clinton, NBC=Nobody But Clinton, CBS= Clinton Broadcasting System, etc?
Now, it's just for you - Trump's own TV channel, a fantastic Facebook Web TV, LIVE at 6:30pmE EACH night! Our nightly campaign coverage from Trump Tower! The link is:

Have fun and enjoy yourself!

**** Urgent Notice: NEW Measures Against Voter Fraud ****

All Trump supporters, I need your ATTENTION! Please spend a couple of minutes before your voting to register in the following websites and keep your records there which can be used as the evidence that you vote Donald J. Trump which is the countermeasure against the Voter Fraud, especially the first one, operated by the Republican Party center.

If your ballot information is tampered by the Voting Machines, then the evidence of your record in the GOP database can prove that via a simple query. It's well known that the democRATs have 100% rigged the election and are doing the same thing on the ballot counting! Thus, we have to take any possible measures to prevent them from happening and fight against them if already happened. Specifically we must keep all evidences, including but not limited to photos taken by you of the filled ballot and the return result displayed by the Voting Machine after your input.

Folks, we have been working together for 18 months, before the last victory we still need be VIGILANT! We must cherish the divine ballots that are the guarantee of our democracy!

Official Vote Registration Website of GOP:

Report Voter Fraud and any kind of Vote related cheating:
Contact: U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 202-566-3100, 866-747-1471

Official website of Volunteering to be an Election Observer for Trump:"

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Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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