Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - November 19, 2023

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY November 19, 2023

Order of Worship

Theme: The trouble which we are beginning to go through will fulfill the prophetic Scriptures and result in that Glorious Future which is the guaranteed inheritance of God’s children. 

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Come Ye Thankful People Come” #797
“Now Thank We All Our God” #788
Prayer & Children’s Story
“Standing on the Promises” #410
“Give Thanks” #170
Offering - “We Gather Together” #790
Responsive Reading - Honour and Thanksgiving #798
Congregational Prayer 
Hearing God’s Word
“The Glorious Future”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“If My People Will Pray” #803
Benediction and Postlude

“The Glorious Future”
32nd In our series the Epistle of 2nd Peter

I. Understanding the Second Advent - 2 Peter 3:10
* A. There are more Biblical prophecies regarding Christ 2nd Advent than the 300 regarding His 1st  
* 1. Peter lumps together a whole series of events taking place over a 1000 year time frame
* a. The conquest of earth - Revelation 19:11-15
* b. The defeat of Satan and his minions - Revelation 19:19-21
* c. The 1000 year reign of Jesus - Revelation 20:1-4
* 2. The destruction of this universe at the end of 1000 years
* a. The Great White Throne Judgment - Revelation 20:11-15
* b. The creation of a new universe - Revelation 21:1
* B. The 2nd Advent will take many by surprise Luke 17:26-36 
* 1. As in the days of Noah, as in Sodom so many will be carrying on life completely unprepared for the judgment 
* 2. The disciples of Jesus will be prepared

II. How Should We Then Live? - 2 Peter 3:11
* A. The link between conduct and conviction
* B. The futility of materialism
* 1. Don’t live for stuff for it is all going to burn up
* 2. People matter more than things
* C. The power of Holy Conduct
* 1. Your character is the only thing you will take with you
* 2. In light of the final judgment - three lasting purposes
* a. Worship of God
* b. Holiness of life
* c. Service to man

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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