Ceasefire vote email reveals a Labour MP's lousy excuses.

10 months ago

Labour front bencher Matt Western has written to a constituent explaining his abstention, much to that person's disgust.
Right, so I’ve got a couple of videos lined up currently where people who have been enraged with their MP over abstaining on the ceasefire vote have got in touch me about the responses they’ve got, so I might have a little mini-series if the videos do well and are interested covering some of the excuses that they’ve come out with since. Ill feeling has been expressed towards MPs since the vote, notably Labour ones, for whom better is expected of them and my God have they whinged about it. The Green Party produced a graphic naming and shaming every MP who didn’t back a ceasefire, yet despite all of that being public information, they’ve been accused of endangering MP’s well being. Well they didn’t vote giving a toss about the wellbeing of innocents in Gaza, half of whom are kids, when they chose to not vote to call for a ceasefire, so don’t whinge when your voters choose to hold you to account. I don’t condone threats or violence, but protest outside an office, well, if you don’t like it, try doing your job and serving the will of the people, not your brylcreemed petty dictator of a leader, who’s claims to being a human rights lawyer have been well and truly binned. Some have simply written to their MPs though, demanding an explanation and this is something they can’t hide from, a response is required and this Labour frontbencher’s excuses are pretty damn weak.
Right so, who is the frontbencher that wrote to their constituent then Damo, well in this instance it’s Matt Western, if you haven’t heard of him he’s the Shadow Minister for Higher Education and here’s the thing that you or indeed many MPs might not be aware of and that is any reply they send to a constituent, becomes the property of the constituent. Therefore with their permission, they can be reproduced and that is what I have in this case. It behooves MPs to be respectful in their responses and they aren’t always, though I can’t say that of Western, he was completely polite in his response, but that doesn’t mean it was a good response as he made his case for not backing a ceasefire. This is what he had to say when that question was put to him:
‘Thank you for contacting me about the current crisis in Gaza. You will know that we had votes in Parliament last night and it’s important to me that I share with you my considerations in coming to those decisions.
Firstly, let me be absolutely clear here: I want a ceasefire and I want it urgently. That is what I said two weeks ago when I broke with the Labour party leadership and made my statement. I said we needed humanitarian pauses - more frequent and of longer duration - and to bring about a ceasefire. I will come to this shortly.
Let me start, however, by re-iterating my horror at the events we have seen in the Middle East in recent weeks. The scale of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza cannot and must not be ignored. There is insufficient food, water, energy, hospitals and schools. We are seeing humanitarian disaster: a colossal loss of life, a collapse of society and its economy and refugees seeking a home.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo labour party,labour,keir starmer,labour party israel,labour party palestine,labour mps abstain,labour mp,matt western,matt western email,matt western abstains,matt western edm,matt western ceasefire,cease fire now,humaintarian pause,kernow damo,damo rants,starmer,kernowdamo,damo,israel lies,gaza,keir starmer palestine,ceasefire vote,ceasefire excuses,ceasefire,israel,hamas,palestine,gaza ceasefire,united nations,genocide joe,joe biden,biden

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