Dr Bill Deagle – The Doctor who Treated the Chemtrail Pilots

1 year ago

Dr. Bill Deagle: "Chemtrails - Barium Salts are in chemtrails, they are 10,000 times more toxic to your nervous system than lead. They contain micro-bacteria, viruses, pseudomonas bacteria, human plasma."

Dr. Bill Deagle was the pilot for those flying the chemtrail planes, he says "I know it's real."

His NSA buddies say they are spraying chemtrails to reflect the Sun to stop Global Warming - which is bullshit, they are spraying to make us sick and for Weather Warfare.

Morgellons is caused by Silcon based Nano-Machine Life Forms that does NOT originate on Earth. It is an intelligent silicon-based life form, like bees or ants.

The Whole Truth on when they started Chemtrails and Why -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html

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