What's Up Northern Ontario Nov 20th 2023

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What's Up Northern Ontario- Mansion Impossible

What's Up Northern Ontario host Kim Cooper sits down for a conversation with Texas entrepreneur Chris Fischer along with his team Theresa Kowall-Shipp and Dave Woodside on NOK Network
Monday November 20th at 9:30pm et*
(new time)

Chris recently purchased the abandoned Grant Mansion located in Haileybury Ontario. Chris has a plan to clean it up and finish the project, transforming it from eyesore to asset for the region of Temiskaming.

Chris Fischer marches to his own tune. Some might say that he is the archetypal Texan; he raises cattle, owns and operates restaurants, and develops and builds subdivisions ‘on the side’. He drives a pick-up truck, carries a gun (legally) and has a reputation for taking risks based on gut instinct. The man has a talent for putting together a deal and persuading others to come along for the ride. He is a true maverick, who surrounds himself with ‘characters’ who relish taking shots at his wacky schemes, but who also not so secretly love joining him on his adventures. This gets especially explosive when these ‘characters’ are all his family! Sarcasm is mother’s milk to all Fischers, but for Chris, it’s an art form. He packs a powerful personality punch, and even though he’s the youngest of his three brothers, he’s definitely the leader of the pack. With a long history of telling naysayers to back off and jumping in with both feet, Chris goes where others fear to tread. The purchase of the Grant Mansion is perhaps his biggest jump yet!

Theresa Kowal Shipp is an American/Canadian media professional, Theresa has created, produced, directed and/or written shows for multiple platforms including Discovery, National Geographic, Blue Ant, Food Network, HGTV, Aspire and UPTV. Kowall-Shipp is uniquely qualified to pilot Mansion Impossible as she grew up in a family running a construction business in Detroit MI, with three brothers and a father almost as eccentric as Chris Fischer.

Dave Woodside has over 20 years of experience working in television and film. He has perfected his storytelling skills by working on reality shows, documentaries, commercials, narrative films and television shows all over the world. Dave is well-versed in unscripted TV and has a particular talent for finding and following stories, as seen in his work on popular shows such as The Amazing Race, Top Chef and Big Brother.

Dave has played a vital role in the creation and development of Mansion Impossible, working with Theresa Kowall-Shipp to shape every aspect of the show. He was the first television professional Chris Fischer reached out to after deciding to buy the Grant Mansion and, from the very beginning, has been instrumental in crafting the concept for the series. Dave is very excited to see the multiple, authentic story angles organically revealing themselves as Chris Fischer and his family begin work on their massive, ruined mansion - and can't wait to start capturing the chaos!

Join Kim Cooper for her discussion with Chris and the team about the project, the plan, the timeline and more!

Monday November 20th at 9:30pm et on NOK Network


#WhatsUpNorthernOntario #NOKnetwork

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