Donkeys Doing What Donkeys Do

1 year ago

October 22, 2023. I heard a lot of wild braying from inside the house and saw the donks running around so hurried out as fast as I could to catch the action but didn't quite make it in time. I arrived to see Rose taking a roll in the dust after their play and the rest of the group were standing around just looking at me. Then I spied some scuffling behind a cottonwood at the back of the property and realized that Buddy and BooBoo were still at it. They are best buds and don't usually join in when the others are running around like a wild herd of donkeys. Buddy and BooBoo prefer to rough house together and have mock fights, sparring and biting each other on the neck and legs like wild jacks. Finally they simmered down and ambled over with the rest of us. Then we all headed to the front field where they contentedly spend some time nibbling on leaves that have fallen from the fruitless mulberry tree. Rose tries reaching up giraffe style to pluck some leaves. My ASSn9Bunch are a happy herd! 22, 2023.

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