Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 11.16.23

11 months ago


MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE 2D HOUR, WHICH GOES FOR TWO HOURS.  THE FIRST HOUR IS JUST A SINGLE HOUR, & WE WON’T USE IT ON TODAY’S PRN.LIVE BROADCAST.  THANKS!!>> A COMPREHENSIVE DEEP DIVE INTO A SMALL MODULAR RENEWABLE SOLARTOPIA WITH AMORY LOVINS et. al.>>> Our Earth-Shattering GREEP zoom #157 takes us on a unique two-hour journey into the brave new world of renewable energy.>> We start with LINDA SEELEY of the Mothers for Peace, who updates us on the multi-front fight to shut California’s Diablo Canyon Nukes.>> The great SCOTT DENMAN then takes us through monumental collapse of NuScale’s Small Modular Reactor scam. >> NuScale has been at the center of the so-called “Nuclear Renaissance” for large reactors which collapsed 2007-2012.>> That fantasy gave way to a “resurgence” of Small Modular Reactors which has just collapsed.>> NuScale went to Utah municipal utilities to buy into the SMR scam.>> But this past week, as Scott tells us, the SMR scam has collapsed.>> Great green guru AMORY LOVINS follows with a magnificent overview of the global conversion to renewable energy.>> Carbon + cost + speed are the keys to the green transition, he says.>> Renewables have added 986x net capacity than nuclear in 2022, he says.>> In September 2022-October 2023, solar is running way faster than anybody can keep up with, he adds.>> With an “integrate design,” and an “unimaginably big” cornucopia of renewables, we can meet our de-carbonization goals.>> New grid materials brighten the equation.>> Big reactors now cost 5-8x renewables; small reactors are 20-32x more expensive than renewables, even with mass production.>> Solar and wind generate “variably” in predictable ways, widening the cost gap nukes must overcome to match renewables.>> “Baseload” from nuclear has now become both obsolete and detrimental.>> Lovins cites ten means of firming supply/demand reliability at extremely low cost compared to fossil/nukes.>> JUSTIN LEBLANC, RON LEONARD, WENDI LEDERMAN and MYLA RESON join in on the discussion.>> We also hear from ROY MORRISON on how to do community-owned renewable power.>> Amory also recommends X-Change at and Applied Hope on renewables and cars.>> At the end we learn it’s Amory’s birthday, contributing to the truly beautiful, powerful spirit of this gathering.>> Don’t miss it!!!  & we’ll see you in Solartopia…..

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