How To Pronounce "Ace"

1 year ago

a playing card or die marked with or having the value indicated by a single spot:
He dealt me four aces in the first hand.

a single spot or mark on a playing card or die.

(in tennis, badminton, handball, etc.)

Also called serv·ice ace . a placement made on a service.

any placement.

a serve that the opponent fails to touch.

the point thus scored.

a fighter pilot credited with destroying a prescribed number or more of enemy aircraft, usually five, in combat.

a very skilled person; expert; adept:
an ace at tap dancing.

Slang. a one-dollar bill.

Slang. a close friend.


Also called hole in one . a shot in which the ball is driven from the tee into the hole in one stroke:
He hit a 225-yard ace on the first hole.

a score of one stroke made on such a shot:
to card an ace.

Slang. a barbiturate or amphetamine capsule or pill.

a very small quantity, amount, or degree; a particle:
not worth an ace.

Slang. a grade of A; the highest grade or score.

verb (used with object),aced, ac·ing.
(in tennis, badminton, handball, etc.) to win a point against (one's opponent) by an ace.

Golf. to make an ace on (a hole).

Slang. to cheat, defraud, or take advantage of (often followed by out):
to be aced out of one's inheritance; a friend who aced me out of a good job.


to receive a grade of A, as on a test or in a course (sometimes followed by out).

to complete easily and successfully:
He aced every physical fitness test they gave him.

Sometimes aces . excellent; first-rate; outstanding.

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