How To Pronounce "Accommodate"

1 year ago

verb (used with object),ac·com·mo·dat·ed, ac·com·mo·dat·ing.
to do a kindness or a favor to; oblige:
to accommodate a friend by helping him move to a new apartment.

to provide suitably; supply (usually followed by with):
The officials were accommodated with seats toward the front of the room.

to lend money to:
Can you accommodate him, or are you short of cash?

to provide with a room and sometimes with food.

to furnish with accommodations, as food and lodgings.

to have or make room for:
Will this elevator accommodate 10 people?

to make suitable or consistent; adapt:
to accommodate oneself to circumstances.

to bring into harmony or make adjustments or allowances for:
to accommodate differences;
to accommodate your busy schedule.

verb (used without object),ac·com·mo·dat·ed, ac·com·mo·dat·ing.
to become adjusted or adapted.

to become reconciled; agree

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