The Galactic Federation: Mt Shasta and the Firmament

1 year ago

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I am Carrie a certified practitioner with Beyond Quantum Healing and I love sharing space and helping people step into their divine power. I am excited to have partnered with Ceirra and love channeling with her for our videos and BQH sessions for clients.

I worked in the Emergency Room for 20 years and was awakened about 5 years ago. I had a life full of trauma that left me with a PTSD diagnosis. By diving into my shadow work, I was gifted with higher perspective information through BQH sessions that helped me understand the lessons that I wanted to experience and master on Earth. Once I started applying the information they provided, my PTSD went away and I unlocked a peace and love that I had never experienced before. I am passionate about helping others step into their power and unlock the higher perspectives for them through becoming a BQH practitioner.

More from Ceirra,
Ceirra’s greatest passion is to help the world remember who they truly are. She specializes in many different modalities including Quantum Healing, Akashic Record Readings and Spiritual Intuitive Coaching where she teaches her clients to channel their own higher guidance, speak light language, meditate, and provides guidance in all aspects of their life. She is the creator of Master Coding Quantum Healing which is a POWERFUL technique used to read and upgrade the beautiful divine blueprint you came into this life with. Together we discover your greatest gifts, and upgrade your potential weaknesses using light language.
To schedule a Quantum Healing Session or an Akashic Record Reading with Ceirra click here

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