Conspiracy Theory - Directed Energy - Death-Ray

1 year ago

Ventura's show from the not so long ago - and what have we learned since? <<search thru these sites for answers to some of it.
and see one of Dr Woods' earlier sites here (many became the book 'Where DId The Towers Go?' :
Another site of Dr. Woods I used to visit freq in late 2000s is now absent most of the amazingly odd photos she compiled. Probably to boost the sales of her book - I have no problem with that. I have a copy. I, regrettedlyy gave away my 1st copy sent to me by Jimmy Walters to the 2006 9/11 Truth Conference in Chicago which I was attending that June.
Ventura may have been picked to release this info since he would likely be scoffed at by half the population being a SEAL, pro-wrestler- turned governor...but who knows? Haven't heard the name in a long time...I looked forward to watching it on the boob-tube.
Dutchsinse uploaded Tom Bearden talks about Tesla Energy -

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