The Blind Man and Advertising | Moral Stories in English

1 year ago

Moral Stories for Kids
Stories for Kids
Short Stories
Moral Stories
Kids Stories
Short Stories for Kids
Children Stories
Short Stories in English

the blind man and the advertising story
the blind man and the advertising story video
Stories For Kids In English
Kids Story
english stories for kids
english story for children
english stories, English, story, stories,
english story for children with moral, story for kids

An old blind man was sitting on a busy street corner in the rush are begging for money on a cardboard sign next to an empty tin cup he had written "blind please help" no one was giving him any money

A young advertising writer walked past and saw the blind man with a sign empty cup and also saw the many people passing by completely unknown let alone stopping

to give money the advertising writer took a thick marker pen from her pocket turn the cardboard sheet back to front
and rewrote the sign and went on her way

Immediately people began putting money into the tin cups after a while when the cup was overflowing the blind man asked
the stranger can you read the sign good for me it's is said the stranger


this story illustrate timeless way how important choice of words and languages when we want to truly connect with and

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