Mrbeast ar new video FOR YOU ❤️❤️❤️

1 year ago

Money laundering is by definition the process of using a legal business to give illegally gained money the appearance of having been earned legally. The TV show Breaking Bad is the best in-depth explanation of money laundering coming to my mind right now.

Walter White, renowned freelance methamphetamine cook, fakes a big casino win to justify a first, more consistent, batch of drug money with which he buys a car wash. Then, he starts regularly delivering literal wheelbarrows of cash (originating from his meth sales) to the car wash, where his wife Skyler (a skilled accountant) makes up fake transactions on the cash register: this way they can argue that they had an incredible number of customers, all inexplicably paying for express service, hand wash with extra wax and a couple of air fresheners each. This way, their business “earns” the money, which they are then allowed to spend at their whim without worrying about the authorities coming to question how a retired, cancer-ridden high-school teacher can afford to buy two new cars. When you launder money, you pay income taxes on it, since from the exterior it’s “legally hard-earned money”.

Now, precisely because money laundering is usually linked to serious crimes (large frauds, drug trafficking, terrorism, bribes), it is - in and of itself - a crime. Specifically, one that has been known for a while now, so tax authorities and all law enforcement agencies know what to look for. You will very likely get caught, and anyone involved will face charges for money laundering and for being an accomplice to whatever crime originated the laundered funds.

On top of this, money laundering is also tax fraud. You can go to jail for tax fraud too.

Finally, since “legally gained money” often leaves traces (if you win it at a casino, you are automatically reported to the tax authority; if yo

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