What should everyone try at least once in their life? #life #experience

11 months ago

What should everyone try at least once in their life? [Serious]
Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Most of those "transients" you see on the street are actually very nice, normal people who just had a bad break.
Look someone dead in the eyes and say exactly what you think about them. See how it turns out
Plant a tree.
Exploring different places around your neighbourhood on your own... You never realise what you can find until you try. Then bring someone along with you next time and show them.
Go somewhere with no light pollution, on a clear night, and look at the stars.EDIT: Thanks for the comments and doodads! I'm glad so many people have experienced this!
Doing something kind for a stranger, they may remember it for a lifetime
Do something you normally wouldn't do, like a hobby you normally wouldn't consider doing. Even if it might not be for you, you at least have some knowledge of it.
Spending extended time with people fundamentally different from you.
Write a short story that one actually wants to write, especially if it turns out bad. In my experience, experiences in school dissuade people from writing for themselves. Everyone can write something cool and interesting, and failing a lot is part of the process at becoming better. This applies to anything creative, including engineering.
Travelling to another country. It's really great to experience a different culture

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