Job 4-10 Satan the 2nd horseman is stealing our peace, health, prosperity, sanity, & lives Rev. 6:4

1 year ago

During the apostasy of the Kingdoms of Men 2 Thess. 2:3, the Lord allowed Satan to pretend to be God, a messenger of light, a lizard person, an alien on the dark side of the moon, or whatever, showing that not one way of men can bring peace on earth! We can't survive for long without self-imploding in the kingdoms of Satan with the ways of men Jer. 10:23. Under pre-flood Patriarchy (represented by Eliphaz), where Christ spoke to fathers and men lived almost a thousand years, men became so evil, the destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10 needed to destroy the world by flood. The name Methuselah means when he dies, it (the flood) comes.

Christ was murdered by the ways of men 1 Cor. 2:6-16. The two temples in Jerusalem were destroyed by the ways of men after a combined time of less than 1,000 years 1 Cor. 2:6-16; Dan. 2:44. (Foreshadowed by Bildad.) After being blessed with the checks and balances of the Constitution, the USA is overrun with evil (foreshadowed by Zophar.). Noah was given a 120-year warning to prepare for the destroyer or space weather that would destroy the world by flood. Some of us, called by God before time began, (Foreshadowed by Elihu) are given a 43-year warning and can observe the second age of the great and terrible Day of the Lord approaching Heb. 10:25; Dan. 2:44. This time, "space weather" will destroy the kingdoms of men by fire at the promised second coming of the Lord 2 Pet. 3; Dan. 2:44.

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