Episode 56: Why All The Wars?!?!

1 year ago

In this episode I gave my thoughts as to why there are so many wars in the world now and in the past. Why Should We care? What can we do about it?

Songs on this episode:
1 Choice by Fast Heart Mart
2 Anthem by Leonard Cohen
3 Richman by Fast Heart Mart
4 Let's All Solve This by Fast Heart Mart (banjo)
5 Amazing Grace traditional song (banjo)

Go here for past episodes:

Why is it important to stand up for our freedom now? The people in North Korea might be able to explain tyrannical government best...Joe Rogan interviews Yeonmi Park who escaped North Korea:

If you don't have time to listen to the entire Joe Rogan episode, this guy gives a good synopsis of the Joe Rogan North Korea episode:

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