Living Prayer

1 year ago

The Word often speaks of our lives being a living sacrifice, a testimony of what we believe; sweet incense to The LORD.
Please here me, I am not saying "get this perfect" hell, I don't know that there is such a thing outside of The Perfect ONE and HE is rather forgiving, HE wants us, the baggage HE will carry if we let HIM. I am saying that it's only in an active relationship that we are invested in that said relationship grows. The focus here is what we are getting out of it. Is the point of relationship a thing out of it or the relationship itself? If it's a thing then it's not a relationship, it's a business transaction (and when sex becomes a currency in marriage, it's no longer the end result of the love the two of you share). We had/have that one once: Abraham, an agreement. The laws of Moses, the marriage vows. The point: Song of Songs. To chase after as we are chased after. That we truly can have Genesis walks in the garden, even when though we're *not* in The Garden. It's a rough one to self reflect on, sometimes, but it's one we need to do so that we can answer ourselves honestly, and be real with GOD when we get to the question we will ask as we wrap up this week: What's in the heart? Relationship Life or Lip-service Living?

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