J6-John Sullivan BLM Activist Found Guilty on All 6 Counts, "We Dressed Up As Trump Supporters

1 year ago

Video Details Events on J6 Mysterious behavior by Capitol Hill Police as well as blm & antifa "changing into Trump Gear" in the Bushes outside the capitol.

Mo Brooks call in to Newsmax, he already had the details about BLM Breaking into the capitol and he tried to warn people as activist like John Sullivan who changed their clothes in the bushes at the capitol "Impersonating Trump Supporters, as the video Shows BLM were the first ones inside and at the capitol as it was staged by Pelosi and the coup to "Entrap" Trump supporters as I warned during it was happening that Secret Service was not going to let President Trump go back and Speak at the zone where the Permit was held due to the danger of the BLM activist and antifa that was waiting for Trump to speak, I was banned off of twitter sending out warning messages that it was a coup trap and not to go inside the capitol building after i noticed Nancy Pelosi requested machine gun turrets to be mounted on the front of the capitol that gave away their coup plan right there.

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