Nov 30 Intel Update: Syrup and Snorkels

3 years ago

Correction: Slight clarification on the Developing Tech slides: When I said "heat-seeking" I was referring to the new generations of air-to-ground anti-tank missiles with thermal seekers...NOT the classic HEAT round. This can get confusing. Most tanks use several types of rounds for different tasks, and the HEAT round, or the High-Expl0$ive Anti-Tank round is a common round that is used by tanks, to k1ll other tanks. Obviously, there is no thermal component to this...the round itself is unguided and cannot "home in" on anything. However, there are a lot of new munitions in the world (like loitering munitions) that are designed to target tanks by using a missile with a thermal seeker. This can target tanks in much the same way that traditional MANPADs target aircraft by homing in on the heat generated by the vehicles exhaust. But obviously, this is for air-to-ground targeting, or other non-tank systems. Perhaps not too common these days in actual warfare, but Russia has already developed several "heat seeking missiles" for targeting tanks, and these weird snorkel things might be a way of Russia trying out some new countermeasures. So for the meantime, tanks will have to continue using HEAT rounds (NOT heat-seeking rounds) to target other armored vehicles. But as far as to if this is a new countermeasure system, eh, who knows. Certainly not I (nor anyone else here), so this could all just be a farce. But it's good to be aware of, just in case.

Oh, and while I'm at it, the cages on turrets are almost certainly useful for certain kinds of loitering munitions (at least in theory), which I am kicking myself for not mentioning. Loitering munitions are a MAJOR force-multiplier and are already becoming a massive threat for conventional forces, such as armored units.

00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Weather
00:46 - NOTAMs
01:07 - Civil Unrest Forecast
02:06 - Logistics
04:39 - Mandate Overview
09:41 - Critical Infrastructure Concerns
18:27 - Significant Governmental Actions
25:13 - Wikipedia
28:30 - Developing Technologies
27:05 - Mandate Resistance Impacts
36:55 - CONUS Deployments
39:42 - Mandate Trackers
41:59 - Mandate Failures
43:21 - International Issues
54:59 - Sources

Wikipedia Article:

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