Photo Adventures- Why I Choose to Take Them and How They Make My Work Unique

2 years ago

Ever wonder how to stand out in a world full of photographers? It's TOUGH! With technology these days there are picture takes around every corner. So how do you stand out and make your work unique? You gotta do things that nobody else is willing to do...and you gotta do things that tell the story of who you are.

I've been doing adventures as a photographer ever since I started 15 years ago. I've always wanted to experience the most this life on this planet had to offer. Deciding to shoot in adventurous situations, places and locations definitely makes what I do more complicated, expensive, time consuming than what I'd be doing if I did a conventional photography route.

But I love it that way. And I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

There are lots of times when I'm physically miserable. Lots of gear breaking. Lots of frustration. And yes, lots of failure.

But I also experience more once in a lifetime moments in a year...than many people do in a lifetime. And that's the trade off. You take all that hard stuff because the payoff is so incredible.

This video showcases one of my recent photo adventures with a really talented model named Elley who's also a geologist. She took me to an abandoned mine in her side by side and we did a shoot where nobody has ever shot before.

It was REALLY cold, sometimes unbearable, and the road to get there was crazy. But the images and most importantly the memories were something I'll never forget.

I hope you like it. This also shows the shoot I did with her up there using the Rotolight Aeos 2.

The model is the amazing @model.elleycat on Instagram. You can also check out her Youtube Channel by visiting the link below:

#adventure #jasonlanierphotography #rotolight
Thanks for watching my friends!


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