O vídeo ficou LONGO porque são 7 GAMES GRÁTIS e GRANDE PROMOÇÕES!!!

1 year ago

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00:54 | GrandChase | https://store.epicgames.com/pt-BR/p/grandchase-c03eb2
02:14 | United Football | https://store.epicgames.com/pt-BR/p/united-football-0279e8
03:47 | Invincible Presents: Atom Eve | https://gaming.amazon.com/invincible-presents-atom-eve-epic/dp/amzn1.pg.item.5849e2de-7de3-4abd-a11f-fa056e656eae
05:46 | Strange Toilet The Forgotten Shit | https://thethil.itch.io/strange-toilet-tfs
07:28 | Footage of "Cthulhu Frozen Nightmare | https://virtuaworlds.itch.io/cthulhu-frozen-nightmare
09:29 | Dark Card | https://kerly26.itch.io/dark-card
10:30 | Blank Relish | https://keyrif.itch.io/blank-relish
12:58 | Mega Ofertas
25:23 | Só tenho R$ 10


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