State of Minnesota Agency Leaders and union MAPE collude to cover up fraud. Conspiracy. Not just theory. Fraud cover up. Millions of dollars.

1 year ago

I was employed by the state of Minnesota when I reported instances of fraud and misuse of taxpayer funds to the Office of the Legislative Auditor. Within two weeks of my report, I was placed on investigative leave. Five weeks later, the state initiated a "Threat Assessment" on me. A director of a state agency and an Assistant Commissioner alleged that I was at risk of becoming an "active shooter." The state subjected me to five investigations, suspended me, and subsequently concealed both my report of fraud and the false "active shooter" accusation. Neither the union MAPE nor Carla Kjellberg, Keith Ellison's divorce attorney, provided assistance in defending me against these false claims. Instead, the executive director and the statewide president asserted that I was sending sexually explicit emails, engaging in email sexual innuendos, threatening union members, and specifically threatening women. I documented conversations, kept emails, kept documents, recorded meetings, and recorded phone calls. I compiled this documentary video series to expose how collusion, corruption, and conspiracies against employees take place within the Minnesota state government.

This is how fraud is covered up by state agency attorneys, union attorneys and assistant attorney generals in Minnesota.

If you are wondering how the $250 million dollar pandemic fraud in Minnesota is so big and keeps getting bigger a part of the answer is here. The DFL has held the reins of power in the Attorney General's Office for over 50 years. State Agency Attorneys are typically democrats. The Office of Legislative Auditor claims to be bi partisan but... Look to see how many leaders in Minnesota state government in the past 50 years have been charged with fraud or colluding in fraud... how many can you find? IN 50 YEARS not too many. State agency lawyers and assistant attorneys general swap back and forth. They collude. They go on vacations with each other. They walk the same halls as the judges. It's crazy how it is hiding in plain sight. LOOK AT THE OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR REPORTS. No leader or lawyer is held accountable, the reports all read the same... The state investigates and audits itself and imagine that they never find the state as a wrong doer. They all are in bed. The union and management play footsy and protect each other as found in this expose. I sent this video to Keith Ellison's Office to investigate the non-profit union MAPE. Assistant Attorney General Erin Conti wrote on January 3rd 2023 that MAPE is a non-profit but not a non-profit and so not under her jurisdiction... Assistant Attorney General Janine Kimble wrote on both 2/28/2023 and 3/10/2023 that I was sitting naked at computer desk at the one hour and twenty-one minute mark of the video... Hmmm, was it this Video Thumbnail? Funny how I was explaining the corruption and collusion of the union MAPE, with Minnesota Management and Budget and the Department of Employment and Economic Development. Some very powerful people have went overboard to keep me quiet. Cancelled by attorneys from Y..Tube on 3/14/2022 after I sent 35 Minnesota attorneys a video exposing the corruption...
Short versions of the documentary begins here:

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