EMF radiation is rampant for causing illness and dis-ease

10 months ago

EMF radiation is rampant for causing illness and dis-ease, reason I hound my siblings/family not to use too much bluetooth or being to close to their devices that can cause runny noses etc because our bodies natural electromagnetic field is not warping or being interfered with by another unknowingly, if we know than we can give mental presence to counteract such...our eyes receive the light which hits back into the crystal receivers in our 3rd eye pineal gland, impacts our intuition, creativity and whether we will be pacified into being lame vessels that are just herded into mob mental-ilties.
Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/
Join the Herbalist movement here: https://t.me/HerbalismHealing

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