November 17, 2023

1 year ago

Ukraine - Why did Putin wait 8 years before acting?

Firstly, in my opinion Zelensky doesn't look like the mincing gay dancer spaced-out cokehead that i remember from 8 years ago. The genocide was in Donbas during the 8 years of shelling and sniper fire from the Nazi Asov battalion and other Nazi groups that are now part of the Ukraine military. You can put this down from the coup d'tat 2014 by way of a Soros & US deep-state funded colour revolution. In 2016, John McCain (executed) and Lindsey Graham are on video briefing ukraine Asov military for a planned proxy war with Russia, and deep-state scumbag Victoria Nuland has already buckled under questioning several months ago, admitting to US deep-state funded bioweapon labs (46 of them!), and you wonder why this version of Putin went in. The minsk agreements were broken time after time by the UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION., thats right folks it's a corporation and has been since 1871, the UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION has been a British Crown colony since 1871, there’s a reason President Donald J. Trump walked in front of the Queen, she committed high treason, and far far worse. Then we have the $70B bribe to the newly installed Ukraine puppet government in 2014 in return for signing over 75% of land ownership rights to four GMO mega corporations. But why did Putin wait 8 years as Russian speaking Ukraines hid in basements of their apartments for 8 years? Because the deep-state was pushing for a world war because they knew what was coming, the deep-state in Washington DC and in other countries including the UK were involved in organ harvesting, child trafficking, and more and yet all government buildings and embassies have been closed for years in Washington DC, funny how the media never tell you any of this eh? why do you think covid was unleashed (the virus was in the bottle folks, you cannot pass a virus by airborne transmission). It was the same playbook as HIV and the Spanish Flu…problem-reaction-solution. This world war we are in has been raging covertly for years, it's the fall of the cabal folks, go watch The Fall of the Cabal documentary by Janet Ossebaard at fall The Ukraine holds many secrets the scumbags don't want exposed, and Putin had to wait and stick to the plan and not be dragged into war in 2014. Then we have the fact that the Khazarian Mafia aka the fake jews (revelation 2:9 and 3:9) who were the same communist scumbags as the Bolsheviks, and Nazis, the old country called Khazaria is now Ukraine. This is why Ukraine needed cleaning up of it’s bioweapon labs and Nazis, funny how some towns in Ukraine end with “Chyna”. Now you know. As for the legacy mockingbird media, i don't hold much hope, they’ve lied to us since the dawn of the tell-a-vision.

Covid was a depopulation agenda, and the attempt at global communism has failed because the cabal were outplayed, their symbology, numerology, their false flag playbook had been used once too often; they got away with it in the pre-internet days but many of us were not distracted by the bread and circus but we were watching them watching us and we saw their flaws, their commonalities, their playbook. The Vatican's job has for many years been to destroy all things God and Jesus. their objective was to destroy Christianity and that is why their religious leaders have a fondness for children, it's why Sinead O'Connor ripped up the photo of the Pope all those years ago, it's why the Pop wits between the fangs of a viper in the Paul VI Audience Hall. The babylonian blood cult of the Khazarian mafia, the illuminati, the cabal ruled the planet through fear, shame, guilt, and the concept of time.

Russia did not invade Ukraine, the Donbas was already recognised by the International Court following a vote, it was part of Russia. The fake King Charles had a yellow and blue carpet at his fake coronation, not the blue and yellow of the ukraine flag but the colours of the Rothschild Family Crest.

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