Bill Schnoebelen – Former Satanic Voodoo High Priest Exposes the Illuminati – Masonry is a Religion

1 year ago

**GOOD ONE** ***THE ULTIMATE WAKE UP VIDEO*** ** Masonry is a Religion**


Free Masonry is a religion that does not acknowledge Jesus but rather Hiram Abiff, chief architect of Solomon's Temple. They dupe members into believing it is Christian society as one of their degrees says this.

You can't get into "Hard Core Satanism" unless you are a “Worth” Free Mason. Then you have to sell your Soul to the Devil and sign in Blood in the Black Book. After this the Devil will give you ANYTHING you want for 7 Years. After 7 years the Devil can take you to Hell. Hell is like a Wild Party to Satanists, a drunken never-ending Orgy.

You can NOT be a Satanic Priest until first you are a Catholic Priest and you recruit 7 People who will sell their Souls to the Devil.

Rite of Memphis-Misraim -- a lot of Masons do not even know about this. This Rite has 97 Degrees. The 90th Degree is awarded Grand Master of the Order of the Temple.

Once you get past what is called the Abyss in the Occult Progress in Ceremonial Magic you Transcend Good and Evil. You ascend beyond morality, you become what they call a God, living and walking on the Earth. Other Humans are considered Cattle.

Once to this point one can progress and study Lycanthropy or Vampirism. Lycanthropy is the study of Werewolf, how to transform into a wolf - a painful process.

Vampirism -- there is is a dedicated special cult to teach this. You drink the blood of a "Fallen Angel" they drink your blood and you are physiologically transformed in subtle ways. You blood type changes, it is difficult to eat, you only crave blood, the only solid food was Catholic Communion Host. Going out in the daylight would cause blisters and just as you hear, Garlic was not healthy.

He would crave Human Blood.

Bill received a check, and on this check, it said: "I will be praying in the Name of Jesus for you."

The very next day he lost his powers, lost his job, became very ill, he didn't know what was going on as he was one of the most Powerful Warlocks on the West Coast of Lake Michigan.

The Morman Church was founded by Witches for Witches pretending to be Conservative nice White Christians. Bill says he can prove that the founder of the Morman Church, Joseph Smith was a Warlock and most of the early Church Leaders were deeply involved with Sorcery.

He went to the Temple, became an Elder, was now a member of a very Wealthy church and they secretly serve Lucifer also.

There are 8 stories beneath Salt Lake City Temple.

He had a meeting with Elder James Faust, who was an Apostle of the Church, he told them that Lucifer was the God of the Morman Temple. False doctrine is taught there.

Most of the people of the Morman Church are exceptionally very good people who live by the 10 Commandments, they are oblivious to the fact their church was founded to deceive just as ALL Religions.

For the first time, even though he mastered in Catholic Theology - he read the King James Morman Bible and realized the Apostles couldn't of been Morman's but he felt the Jesus vibes as truth and gave his life to Jesus.

Bill says Free Masonry goes way back to the days of Adam to Tubalcain - 7th man from Adam by way of Cain. Tubalcain is said to be the First Mason. Then you have Flood. After the Flood you have the Mason Nimrod. Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. Nimrod wanted to start a One World Government.

God intervened and they took their One World Government Plans Underground and began a secret plot.

The God of Masonry is the Phallus, that’s why the Masonic Washington Monument is built to be a giant Phallus symbol.

Before Christ Free Masonry was called Dionysian Artificers. Babylonian and Egyptian Mystery Cults – 2300 – 2000 B.C. Then Kabbalah Mystery Religions. Later on it was called the Gnostic's – 50 – 300. Pre-Islamic Sorcery and Alchemy – 200 – 600. The Assassin Cult – 700 – 1100. The Templar's – 1118 – 1307. The Rosicrucians – 1400 -1500. Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits – 1534. Operative and Speculative Masonry – 1600. Mother Lodge (England, 1717). Grand Orient – 1773 (France). Illuminati Ordnen – 1776. The Fusion of the Twin Pillar – Current 19th Century Free Masonry.

Both Witchcraft and Freemasonry have a Bipolar Androgynous – both Male and Female God. The Masons have the Square and the Compass – represents the Male and Female Gods.

According to Bill, he was told the Antichrist was born in 1966.

NWO – to create a False Rapture. A fake Second Coming of Jesus.

Antichrist is not someone against Christ but an Impostor.

Gnostic's – 50 – 300 – they believed that the Christianity in the Bible was way too simple. Greek Heresy was the true Christianity. Modern day Gnostic's are like he Mormon's and Mason’s.

The Assassin Cult – 700 – 1100 – Islam Cult in which the initiatives were deceived as their leader Hasan Ben Sabah would feed them with some powerful hash, get them stoned off their asses, take them to a special room with young girls, food- including pork and wine and then when they came off their high they were told that Hasan took them to Paradise and if they would fight and die for him, that is where they go forever – called Jihad. Women were treated like slaves as it was taught hey had no souls, only men have souls. Hasan also used Mind Control and Hypnotism to create fanatics. They would line up on cliff and he would snap his fingers and they would jump to their deaths. Hasan also used Moles to infiltrate other organizations. Hasan Ben Sabah was never caught by he Orthodox Muslims, but his last words before he died were “Nothing is true, everything is permissible.” Freemasonry would use this phrase.

Next the Royal Secret Assembly passed the Assassins to The Templar's. The 9th Templar were warrior Catholics. They fought in the Crusades. They tried to take the Holy Land back from the Seracens. The Seracens were Muslim, this conflict lasted over 100 years. Even though they would lose Crusades, the occult knowledge gained from the Assassins great and would be used in the future. The Templar's became very wealth as they were protectors of the traveling Pilgrims to and from the Holy Land. Legends say they found Solomon's Treasure in the ruins beneath Solomon's Temple – which has yet to be found or recorded it was found to the masses. The Templar's became VERY Wealthy, they became the FIRS International Banksters. Everyone blames the Jews, but he very first were the Templar's.

The Templar's became so Powerful and Wealthy they threatened the Vatican. The Pope united with the King of France and conspired to take down the Templars.

October 13, 1307 they sent out Warrants to Capture EVERY Templar they could find, including the Grand Master whose name was Jacques de Molay, who was the 23rd and LAST Grand Master.

Jacques de Molay was a sinister man. The Order of the DeMolay Masons is named after him – DeMolay International – now a Philippine branch.

Jacques de Molay was a pedophile who enjoyed having sex with young boys.

Jacques de Molay worshipped the idol or deity Baphomet.

The Baphomet was half-human and half-animal, both male and female, and both good and evil. It is symbolism for Balance and Social Order.

Jacques de Molay was also a practitioner of Black Magic.

Jacques de Molay was captured by the Catholics and was tortured and burned at the stake. Prior to this he Cursed the Pope and the King of France. Remember, he practiced Sorcery. He said within a year they both would be dead. They were both dead within a year.

Where did the Templar's Treasure end up? Possibly in Scotland.

About a 100 years went by and you have the Rosicrucians, who were basically the resurfacing of the Templar's with a different name.

Then just 34 years later you have the Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits – in 1534.

Ignatius Loyola was a Spanish Knight. He was shot through the leg with a cannon ball. During his recovery he had a conversion in which he would be protector of the Pope and serve him. He came up with a name for this order that would serve the Church, called the Illuminated Ones. The Pope didn’t like this name and the Pope came up with then name to the Society of Jesus which is the Jesuit Order.

So began the Illuminati Mind Control Exercises which they labeled “Spiritual Exercises.”

About 100 years later, Operative and Speculative Masonry – 1600. Introduction of Secret Gestures because many members were illiterate.

Speculative Masonry – these were the “Non-Operative” Masons. These were people who just were interested in learning the Occult Philosophies of Masonry. They didn’t want to become Stone Masons.

This blended into what was called Mother Lodge (England, 1717). This is where most modern Masonry comes from. Apple Tree Tavern London – Anti-Christian.

About 60 years later came Grand Orient – 1773 (France). The most Virulent Anti-Christian form of Masonry that exists today.

Then 4 years later on May 1, 1776, a Satanic Holiday – Adam Weishaupt found Illuminati Ordnen – 1776. Called the Order of the Illuminati. This is the Modern Origin of the Conspiracy.

Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit professor of Canon Law. He thought it would be great to have a Society within the Society of Free Masonry that would covertly work for he abolition of the Monarchy, the Church and the Family and bring people back to Paganism – worshiping many Gods.

He put together a hellbroth that mixed 4 different things together: Islamic Mysticism and Magic, Jesuit Mind Control Techniques, Masonic Immortality, and Drug Induced Altered States of Consciousness.

He put these 4 things together and began infiltrating Masonic Lodges everywhere.

He pushed to remove the Monarchy in Church and replace with a Hierarchy of Noble Kings, led by himself, who would Rule the World with Benevolent Wisdom.

He worked his way up in the French. French Revolution vs American Revolution – the Americans were Christian and the French were Anti-Christian.

France used Guillotines to behead enemies.

They desecrated Notre Dame Cathedral, they enthroned a prostitute on the altar, crowned her as the God of Reason and put a Torch in her hand. Sound Familiar? This is the Origin of the Statute of Liberty.

It is NOT for Freedom. The torch is the Light of Lucifer. The statue was designed by a French Free Mason as a Gift to American Free Masons.

The Statute of Liberty – is really a symbol of Goddess of Witchcraft.

Adam Weishaupt had a plan for the whole world – he saw history as a 5 stage cycle and thought if he timed it just right his ideology of controlling the world would work.

The 5 stages: Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy and Aftermath.

1. Chaos – mankind’s best and purest state – modern paganism – witchcraft. But then comes Jehovah with Monotheism. Jews, Muslims and Christians all believe in ONE True Living God. This is the MAIN difference between Pagans and Christians – Pagans believe in many Gods.

According to Weishaupt, the Monotheists set rules against them and they took their FUN away which caused Discord.

2. Discord –

3. Confusion – Discord and Confusion – the Pagans blame the Monotheists for coming up with the idea of the Devil, saying the Devil made them do it.

4. Bureaucracy – the average people are Dumb and need Governments solutions. Weishaupt wanted to build dependence on the Gov – he though this would evolve into people becoming lazy and consuming drugs. This would wear on the Middle Class who makes the money. Goal is that we run out of money and go broke and the whole financial system collapses.

5. Aftermath – what we are left with after the Economic Collapse. A Great Reset is in Order with a Pagan Religion and a King to rule the world.

A Freemason Scottish Rite Certificate says “Order out of Chaos” – you Artificially create Crisis that causes a chaotic state, the Gov uses the Media to convince the masses they have the solution, the Gov provides your Solutions to the Crisis which Yields MORE Bureaucratic Control, MORE Regulations which = LOSS OF FREEDOM. They do this over and over to enslave humanity.

Back to 1785, Adam Weishaupt thought he had infiltrated enough Mason Lodges in Europe to take complete control but an Illuminati Courier was on his Horse carrying a message and Nature intervened by striking his ass with Lightening, killing him. The body was discovered with a Saddlebag of all their secret plans, they broke codes in the letters and they went out and made arrests.

Adam Weisshaupt’s plans were foiled at the time but the infiltration was DEEP and thehy could not distinguish between Weisshaupt’s moles and the rest of them.

Once you get bad apples they will quickly spoil the rest. This is what happened to ALL Governments of the World.

So the fusion of Witchcraft, Sorcery and Black Magic was now injected and being covertly practiced in Free Masonry.

Then came Albert Pike.

Albert Pike – he continued to form Free Masonry into what it is today.

How to become a member of the Illuminati?

Free Masonry is like an Onion, with layer after layer after layer. The Outer Layers have NO CLUE whatsoever what is going on in the inner layers. Both Secret Societies and Cults are DESIGNED this way.

The typical Mason would laugh their ass off at this. But 99 out of 100 Masons are kept in the Dark.

If you know certain Keywords and certain Signs, certain Tokens and certain points of Entrance you are taken to a whole new world of masonry that only 1% know about.

They work by CELLS. They do this for security purposes so the group as a whole can remain functioning and in tact if a certain cell is arrested but that certain cell is oblivious to other cells.

Their is always a filtering process with the Mason’s. They are recruited, asked to join and secretly monitored in more ways than you can possibly imagine.

So how do you get to become Deep in the Mason Layers?
1. Bloodline, if you have the proper bloodline.
2. If you have any previous occult experience, like Sorcery – certain words trigger the opening of side shoots where you will be taught the deeper mysteries.
3. Those who are WEALTHY, POWERFUL and have the Right Temperament. Some may not even be required to become Masons. I.E. Nixon.

They are seduced to go deeper and deeper and are taught the mind control meditation techniques, the tantric principles of yoga – the Yoga of Sexuality, the Left Handed Path, then they are introduced to Hallucinogens and Secret Formulations that are used to open the third eye and bring about Enlightenment. Then they are taught the Occult of Free Masonry which is called Archaeometry – you learn how to build Temples that are habitable for Demon Spirits.

5 Steps of Illumination – Into the Light:

1. Adoption – Fellowship with Lucifer – Satan has cut himself from God, which is the Source of all Creativity. So satan is not a co-creator. So EVERYTHING is recycled over and over. Satan lusts to be worshiped. What Mason’s do NOT Know is that when they kneel at altar they are adopted by Lucifer and if you are a Christian, which there are hundreds of thousands – they have one knee on the altar of Baal and one knee on the altar of God. Intentionally knowing or not, they are serving two masters. They take a summons that they will obey their Worshipful Master of their Lodge within length of cable tow. Whether they know it or not they have linked themselves to the Devil. During the Masonry Ritual when Oath is taken (which is Anti-Christian according to Matthew 5) the blindfold is removed as the cable-tow – the ritual says “you are now bound by a much stronger tie to our fraternity. A spiritual tie is created at that moment. If one understood Witchcraft and Sorcery – the Cable-Tow around their Neck is a symbol of the Umbilical Cord to the Mother Goddess linking to her child, the Queen of Heaven. The member has been “Born Again” by the Queen of Hell. Every Mason has this happen to them, EVERY one of them and they have NO CLUE what ritual they just did. 99% of Masons have no idea what they are doing, they do no research, but they follow the leaderless “leaders.”

2. Illumination – the Third Eye is Opened Completely – the Luciferian Initiation. The Worshipful Master begins reading out of the Bible Gen 1:1-2 God said “Let their be Light” all the Masons in the room clap their hands. The blind fold is removed, by the light of 3 burning tapers he sees on the altar the Holy Bible with the Square and Compass on it. This is supposed to give them an altered state of consciousness. This is all to open the Third Eye which is to open up consciousness to astral project, telecommunicate and see the future. The light hits the brain, it can be painful – but this is what is met by being illuminated. It is the Light of Lucifer. Slowly the pathogenic Virus of Satan enters and begins the Programming process. You will lose Compassion for humans, you will become Greedy, you will look down on the human race like they are Cattle. Hermeneutics – putting one above others, like humans are above cats and dogs but the mason believes he is above other humans in this way.

3. Conversation – communion with the “Mighty Dead” – you become a medium or channeler with the wise dead to gain knowledge, like Buddha, Jesus, or anyone with knowledge. This is to increase your level of wisdom or Occult Power.

4. Congress – “Marriage with the Mighty Dead” – sex with the Fallen Angel. A bizarre process that pretty much f**cks everyone up that goes through it. You have sex to become ONE and you become Demon possessed. You believe you part of a giant organism, you have the hive like mentality.

5. Union – you become ONE with Lucifer. The goal is PERFECT Possession.

How is the Secret Kept? If one would even consider or think about trying to betray the brotherhood, he Demons inflict great pain. They know how to short circuit the brain and stimulate the pain centers. The only way out, is Faith in the Word of Jesus Christ.

The Promise of Immortality – you are told that when you have sex with the fallen angel you will receive immortality.

The Seal on the back of $1 Bill is an Occult Masonic Symbol. Novus Ordo Seclorum – New World Order.

Then on the bottom of the Pyramid there are the Roman Numerals 1776. No it is not representing the Founding of America, it is Beltane the Pagan Holiday. Beltane is a Pagan holiday, and one of the eight Sabbats. It falls about halfway between the spring equinox (Ostara) and the coming summer solstice, Litha. 1776 is the Beginning of the New World Order with the beginning of the Illuminati. Weishaupt founded the Illuminati in 1776, that is why it is on back of dollar bill.

There are 13 Levels or Layers to the Pyramid.

The incomplete trapezoid (what the unfinished pyramid really is) is a most significant symbol in Satanism. The symbol on that seal is actually a metaphor for the oppressive hierarchy which reigns over the Masonic Lodge, and over much of U.S. government.

It is a hierarchy in which the highest levels essentially leech off the lower levels. Just as in the marketing schemes, the person at the top of the pyramid draws in most of the revenues because of the efforts of hundreds or thousands of people under him.

Masons pay yearly dues and have to pay close to $1,000 for all their degrees.

The Masonic Shriners and the Islam Connection: Source: Masonry Beyond the Light – William Schnoebelen

“The most obvious connection with Islam in the world of the Lodge is, of course, the Shrine. Most don’t know that the actual title of the Shriner organization is the “Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.” Not only is the Shrine openly evocative of Arab culture, the “shrine” is actually the sacred shrine of Islam, the Kaaba in Mecca!”

“Few outsiders realize that behind its exotic, clownish exterior, the Shrine ceremonial is steeped in demonic Islamic religion, utterly foreign to the God of the Bible! For example, the Shrine initiate must swear the usual awful oath on the holy book of the Islamic faith, the Koran, in addition to the Bible, ending thus: …and may Allah, the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the God of our Fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen, Amen, Amen. (Shrine Ritual Monitor, Allen Publishing, pp. 35-39) The Shriner is swearing in the name of Allah. Contrary to popular belief, the Islamic Allah is not just another name for the true God. He has no more resemblance to the God of the Bible than does the “Great Architect.” History shows that before the “prophet” Muhammed elevated Allah to special status, he was essentially a second-rate little rock of an idol inside the pagan shrine, the Kaaba. He was one of a crowd of some 365 little “rocks” in there, and was the tribal god of Muhammed’s tribe, the Quraish. Yet today, this “rock” is worshiped by 600 million Muslims! Like any other idol, there is a demon behind it! (Leviticus 17:7, Deuteronomy 32:16-17). That demon draws energy from being worshiped for his master, Satan! It is certain that this “Allah” draws a great deal of foul satisfaction from watching good “Christian” men kneel down and swear allegiance to him!”

The 13 Levels of the Pyramid in the picture above -- the Palladium represents having sex with a Demon. The 9 Unknown Men are 9 Super Powerful Men in the Black Magic Occult who are each in charge of a Continent and they have Covens beneath them to give orders, write policies - bills that reach our politicians.

The 9 Men report to the 7 (Seven). Very Powerful Demons, the Bible calls them Principalities.
The 7 report to what they call the "Great Architect of the Universe", Lucifer himself -- The Light of Limitless Nothingness.

Edward Alexander Crowley – changed his name to Aleister Crowley so in all Gemantria – English, Hebrew and Greek would add up to 666 – he labeled himself as The Beast. He was a very high level mason. Crowley was a genius as he could play 8 chess games blindfolded. He was one of the most highly honored masons in the world. He believed through channeling an alien that Jesus had been removed from the throne and a new child had took his place.

Crowley accidentally uncovered The Royal Secret of Masonry. Theodor Reuss – a German Occultist who was head of the OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis – which is the Order of Eastern Templar's. Theodor Reuss told Crowley that he had given away the greatest secret in occult history. Crowley didn’t understand, so Reuss immediately initiated him to the 9th Degree of the OTO and explained the secret.

What is the ROYAL SECRET that only 1 out of 100 Masons know? The Secret is that they are promised Everlasting Life, Immortality in the Celestial Lodge above and live there forever.

The name of Jesus is not allowed to be mentioned in the Blue Lodge, so immortality doesn’t come from Jesus.

The Immortality is conveyed through Tantic Sex Magic.

What Kind of Tantic Sex Magic? The Violation of a Little Child.

After this, Crowley taught that you could live forever by violating children sexually. He personally bragged about slaughtering 150 children in one year. This is why he was called the wickedest man in the world.

Not all masons know this, only about 1 in 100 or even less.

The ones who practice these rituals believe every time they defile an innocent child they take on some of that child’s youth.

Children who are sexually abused do age faster as their experiences are traumatic.

They believe they can access alternate universes where they can become Gods themselves.

The Illuminati Symbol of the Eye above the Pyramid – you can see on back of a dollar bill means the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer. But it has a duel meaning – it corresponds to anatomy of the rectum or anus. The occult high level masons believe they can access alternate universes through acts of Sodomy, especially of young boys. They believe they can access these dimensions of reality through the “Tunnels of Typhon”.

Everything in Magic has it’s Yin and Yang – it’s good and evil, or positive and negative, or it’s polarity or duality. The Typhonian Tunnels are the path between 10 evil worlds. The book Lucifer Dethroned goes into this, which I do have this book on pdf if interested.

Typhon is the Egyptian God of Destruction.

The goal was to discover new Universes so they could be God’s of them.

Transyuggothian magick – magic that transcends space. The belief is that orifices of the human body become literal doorways of passage into strange, infernal realities. Access to these bizarre universes enabled quantum leaps forward in magical power for them to become God’s of newly discovered Universes – Multi-dimensional.

They believe there are Gods far from Pluto or our Sun system that are far more powerful than the Devil and God of this universe.

Take a guess who is behind NAMBLA – North American Man Boy Love Association? The association that is trying to “Normalize” sex with young boys. They are trying to get the law passed to 8 years old. These people are just insane maniacs. Yes, they are the ones who are for the New World Order. It’s crazy.

Theses are the Freemasons behind ALL Mason Lodges, worldwide. When the headship is dirty it slowly funnels down. Contamination will occur the longer one is a member and the higher number of degrees they obtain.

*Note: these are not my personal opinions or beliefs as I believe all religions were put in place as an ideology of control.

If you don't believe this, watch this one: **Lance Collins – AKA - John Todd - Original Top 13 Illuminati Family Member tells innermost Secrets --

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