Creepy Mark D. Langdon & biopolaroid Sam Seder flunked #science

1 year ago

Creepy Mark D. Langdon & bipolaroid Sam Seder flunked #science #facts #reality #samseder #majorityreport

The study Clay & Buck talked about

Sam Seder is a creepy old man

My previous refutations of Mark D. Langdon

mdl61 Here is Mark D. Langdon’s Facebook page if you want to ask this old man if he approves of biological men using the same locker room his niece uses He still refuses to answer that question. I wonder why?

You are either XX or XY, there is no middle ground or “other.” Genghis Khan could’ve cut off his genitals, taken boatloads of estrogen, put on a goofy wig, fake boobs, the whole nine yards & he would still be XY, period.

To deny that either makes you so insane you should be locked up or you want biological male predators in the same locker room as little girls & you should probably be locked up for that too.

If you feel the need to emasculate yourself, to butcher your genitals, wait until you’re 18. If you feel the need to consume alcohol, well, you have to wait until you’re 21 to do that. Same w/ cigarettes.

If you want to beclown yourself like Dylan Mulvaney, be my guest. If you ask my opinion, you should refrain from that behavior. But do not ask me to pay for it & do not demand to enter my daughter’s locker room if you are an XY male.

Doing so may be hazardous to your health & you’ll likely get arrested. This is not California, we do not celebrate predatory behavior & pedophilia. Have a nice day!

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