Trump vs Hitler

1 year ago

Adolf Hitler is 110 to #’s
Trump born in 11th state.
11-million+ died at Holocaust
Donald Trump= 11 letters
Hitler wore red swastika as symbolizing the Mark of the Beast
Trump wears red Maga Hat symbolizing the Mark of the Beast

Trump logo= 6 lines
Swastika = 6 lines

Hitler 555 Nazi Card-1/1/1920-Trump-6/14/1946. 911 in minutes.

Hitler’s Death 4/30/1945-Trump 6/14/1946.
Separation of 59 weeks. 1 year 1 month between.
Trump confesses to owning Hitler’s Book: My New Order. 8/17/1990.

America-Hitler born on 4/20/1889. 9 months between 112 years.

America-Hitler dead on 4/30/1945- Separation of 666 in days.
Trump was born on a 666 date 6th month 6 related year of 165th day

Hitler card 555. Trump 5 letters. Trump was 55 when 911 happened.

Hitler becomes 7th member of German Workers Party on 9/19/1919-Trump 1st day in office 1/20/2017. Separation of 555 in days. Hitler card 555.

Hitler= 8*9*20*12*5*18= 1555200. Trump= 5 letters 55 years old when 9/11 happened.

WW2 started on 911. Trump was 911 months old when 19 students were killed at Uvalde. Hitler becomes 7th member of German Workers Party on 9/19/1919.
19*3= Trump acquitted by a 57-43 selected vote count.

Hitler 4/30/1945-Trump announces run for President 6/16/2015.
Separation of 614 in days and hours. Trump= 614.
614 people died in Tower 2 on 9/11.

Trump wanted loyal generals like Hitler had this was announced on 8/8.
Heil Hitler= 88. Trump was 666 hours old. This article was published at 777 within hours of Hitler’s Death with 56 ending in minutes. Hitler died at 56.

Coordinated Similarities
Donald John Trump= 15 letters. Hitler was born in a 15 coordinate.
Queens NY-4+4+5+7+3+5+2= 30. Hitler was born in a 30 coordinate.
Trump was born in Queens NY. Queens NY has a 40 coordinate.

Hitler died in Führerbunker. 5+1+5+1+2+5+1+3+3+8+1+5= 40).
Notice ending two numbers of Hitler death coordinate is 15.
Donald John Trump= 15 letters
Queens NY has a 45 coordinate. Trump 45th president.
Hitler died in 1945 and Hitler height 5ft9= 45

Donald= 4*15*14*1*12*4= 40320. Adolf= 1*4*15*12*6= 4320
Trump= 45th President Swastika= 45

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