👉🏻Surprising way to get more done in the kitchen!

10 months ago

Busy? Here's a *surprising* way to get more done in the kitchen! 👉🏻 SLOW DOWN!

Yes, really!

Because it's so easy, when you're busy and your schedule is hectic, to be frantic in the kitchen.

I'm preaching to the choir here, too! Being frantic in the kitchen is how I hurt my finger recently. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Instead... purposely slow down and calm down. Because actually, when you're frantic in the kitchen, you do NOT get things done any faster. Nope!

In fact, if you slow down and calm down... you will actually accomplish more in your short amount of time than if you try to cook while you're frantic.

Take it from me! It's the truth! BTDT 😂

And another way to "get more done in the kitchen" is to slow down by getting back to basics... Eat God's Way. 🙌🏻

Eat God's Way will help you return to old-fashioned methods of cooking that SAVE you time and money... using and managing fewer ingredients... ditching processed foods and opting for whole foods instead... healing your pesky health conditions (Lord willing)... feeling happier and more joyful about every bite you take.

In case you didn't know, Eat God's Way is our simple and methodical process for helping families get healthier & happier... for saving time and money... all without spending all day in the kitchen or having to give up your favorite foods. 🙌🏻

Oh and by the way, this isn't a set of rules. It's giving glory to God and honoring His creation by eating the foods He designed for our nourishment. 🙌🏻

Would you like to learn more about Eat God's Way?

I put all the methods and even a few recipes together in the "Eat God's Way" 2-book set that I'd love to give you for FREE.

Go here:

...and then I'll send you the download link.

Now go enjoy your kitchen... slowly! 😉 God bless you!

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