Fairfield County Commissioners | Full Meeting | November 14, 2023

1 year ago

#RogueMediaReports #FairfieldCounty #CommissionersMeeting #PublicComments #VoxPopuli
The full meeting of the Fairfield County Commissioners' weekly meeting for November 14, 2023. This week's meeting began with Public Comments and then went into a Listen & Learn from The Ohio State University Extension's Shannon Carter.

Public Comments was at the beginning and ran through 14:57. Ray Stemen, began with a Christian prayer and went into talking about U.S. Congressional Hearing on COVID 19 Vaccine Injuries held by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Judy Stemen picked-up where Ray left off and gave quotes from the hearing, namely Ohio attorney Thomas Renz on how officials at every level, had evidence the jabs were harmful and pushed them on the public.

Non-resident activist and Ohio Land and Liberty Coalition Field Representative, Nick Bundren quoted a Berkeley National Laboratory study that showed no change in property values of communities neighboring industrial solar farms.

Sherry Pymer of Walnut Township countered Mr. Bundren's argument and went on to cite further information that the Ohio Chamber of Commerce is behind the solar push.

The remainder of the meeting were items related to the regular County Administrative Update(s) and the commission's "voting pattern".

Commissioner Levacy was not present due to a meeting with Governor DeWine.

Agenda Links:

This is a recording off a public access Microsoft TEAMS Meeting. This will be an on-going series whenever possible to capture the regular meetings.

More information about the County Commissioners' meetings can be found at https://www.co.fairfield.oh.us/COMMISH/. We also encourage more online and most importantly, in-person participation. The meetings occur most Tuesday mornings at 9:00a at 210 E. Main Street, Third Floor, Lancaster, OH 43130.

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