NHL Colors Pt 1.

1 year ago

Northeast Division
Maple Leaf’s
Hex: FFF,FFF or 666,666 1-36= 666. Maple Leaf’s 6 Division Championships
RGB: 255,255,255 (255*3= 765). Illuminati 5th month 76th year.
12*3= 36) (1-36= 666).
HSB: 42, 0, 100. (142). 765+142= 907. Maple Leaf’s= 90 Toronto= 7 letters.
Hex: 022D82= Ancient Order of Druids.
RGB: 2, 45, 130. The Satanic Bible= 130.
CMYK: 99, 65, 49. Illuminati date adds to 99.
Hex: FFF, FFF or 666,666 1-36= 666.
RGB: 255,255,255 (255*3= 765). Illuminati 5th month 76th year.
12*3= 36) (1-36= 666).
Hex: FFB619. F=6, F= 6, 6.
CMYK: 0, 90, 29, (90+29= 119).
Hex: D4102A. (D= 4). (A=1). 441021= Illuminati date adds to 144.
Illuminati= 10 letters. Antichrist= 121.
RGB: 212, 16, 42. Illuminati found 122nd day. Antichrist= 121.
CMYK: 92, 80, 17. (9+2+8+8= 27). Illuminati date adds to 27.
Atlantic Division
White: FFF,FFF or 666,666. 6 Conference Championships and 6 Division Titles.
RGB: 255,255,255= 765. Illuminati 76-year 5th month.
USAFA Blue. (Blue= 40). 4 Stanley Cups.
CMYK: 1, 474, .388. Freemason Compass 47 degrees. 4 Stanley Cups.
Princeton Orange
Hex: F47E2D. Freemason Compass 47 degrees
CMYK: 483, 815, 43. Jesuits 8/15.
New York Rangers
White: FFF,FFF or 666,666.
RGB: 255,255,255= 765. Illuminati 76-year 5th month.
Lava: 12+1+22+1= 36. 1-36= 666. Illuminati found 122nd day. Antichrist= 121.
Lava is 4 letters. Rangers have won 4 Stanley Cups.
RGB: 207, 8, 32. New York Rangers= 207.
UA Blue. (21+1= 22). Illuminati found 122nd day. Blue= 4 letters and 40 to #’s.
New York Rangers have 4 Stanley Cups. 444
CMYK: 1, 688, 333. 3 stages of Freemasonry 33 degrees.
Southeast Division
White: FFF,FFF or 666,666.
RGB: 255,255,255= 765. Illuminati 76-year 5th month.
Cetacean Blue= 12 letters 2 words. Illuminati found 122nd day.
Cetacean Blue= 92 to #’s. 11 is first two numbers in the hex code. 9/11 .
Vivid Crimson= 12 letters 2 words. Illuminati found 122nd day.
HEX: D00328. Or D= 4. (3+2+8= 13 illuminati bloodlines.)
Vivid Crimson: 157 to #’s. 12 letters, 2 words.
157+14= 171-Pyramids.
RGB: 208, 3, 40. (208+40+3= 251). Illuminati 5/1.

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