Auburn University

1 year ago

NASDAQ 4/5/1790-Auburn 2/7/1856. Separation of 77747 in seconds.
Auburn found on 7th date. Freemason Compass 47 Degrees.
120 in minutes. Auburn Latitude Longitude Coordinates add to 1206.

America 7/4/1776-Auburn 2/7/1856. Separation of 79 years 7 months between. Auburn found 7th date.

Skull and Bones 6/28/1832-Auburn 2/7/1856. Separation of 624 in days. Freemasonry 624.

Auburn 2/7/1856-Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872. Separation of 624 in seconds.
Freemasonry 624.

Auburn 2/7/1856-9/11/2001. Separation of 177 in days 7 months between.
Auburn found 7th date.

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