Labour MPs insult our intelligence with their anti-ceasefire excuses.

10 months ago

Starmer faced a significant rebellion over his ceasefire stance last night, but others insulted our intelligence with their excuses.
Right, so Keir Starmer’s loyal anti-ceasefire voters did his bidding last night whilst insulting our intelligence afterwards to excuse their actions. They aren’t worthy of being called Labour MPs after this, they’re Starmer MPs – like him they’ll vote according to which way the wind is blowing and in their own self interest. Last night calls for a ceasefire failed as parliament overwhelmingly rejected the SNP motion calling for parliament to back one, rather than humanitarian pauses, rather than being overtly on the side of Israel to continue to do what they are doing in Gaza and stand by the people of Palestine. Our representatives suck, the Tories we knew would back Israel, there’s no surprises there, not a single one backed the SNP amendment, but where Keir Starmer instead faced significant rebellion, he watered down his own hardline stance to vote against the SNP by instead whipping to abstain on support for a ceasefire, hoping that this would mitigate the damage. Well 56 Labour MPs, the only ones worthy of the name going forwards defied him and he suffered 10 resignations, some seemingly quite surprising, that’s 28% of his MPs, so that is really quite damaging for a guy wanting to become Prime Minister that he has rebels on that scale when he chooses to be more rancid than average totally self inflicted as it is though. But amongst the very worst were some Starmer MPs who said they’d back a ceasefire and ended up not doing so and there’s a story behind that apparently. There’s a lot more to these results than just the fact a call for a ceasefire fell.
Right, so last night the Tories united behind the position to keep on letting Israel bomb the living daylights out of Gaza instead of taking a stand for peace, and to hold the rogue apartheid state to account and to the standards of international law for once in its existence, because if Russia can be held to account for bombing Ukraine, then Israel should be as well for what it is doing in Gaza, there are no double standards in the law, there very much is in how our parliamentarians are choosing to follow it, despite what they say. Political soundbites without any real intent behind them. Israel has a right to defend itself they say as they apparently had no idea about the October 7th attack – a lie, Egypt had tipped them off – yet they still know each and every civilian building and public infrastructure that Hamas are allegedly using as a base of operations in order to destroy churches, refugee camps, hospitals and the more, if that hasn’t made you do a double take by now, I suggest you do some brain training.
But of course the story of the ceasefire and the will they or won’t they attitude to backing the SNP amendment to call for one ended up centred around Labour because Keir Starmer’s ardent, unquestioning and eternally loyal support for the state of Israel meant he’d split his own party on an issue that should really have been a no brainer.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo labour party,labour,keir starmer,labour party israel,labour party palestine,angela rayner,starmer,labour mps,labour vote,labour ceasefire,snp amendment,kings speech amendment,labour kings speech,labour israel,labour gaza,kernow damo,damo rants,damo,keir starmer palestine,labour excuses,kim leadbeater,nav mishra,helen hayes,56 labour mps,10 labour resignations,labour resignations,starmer resignations,ceasefire now,ceasefire gaza

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