State of Hollywood

1 year ago

With South Park's recent destruction of Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, and Bob Iger, we figured we should have a discussion about the overall state of Hollywood and film making as a whole. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and everything in between. We discuss the Chinese influence on Hollywood and how it has changed the way big studios make their movies. There has been a big shift in recent years for pandering to certain audiences that most wouldn't bend the knee to in the past. This pandering has influenced alot of the content Hollywood has produced over the last decade or so. Issues such as blatant race and gender swapping, feminism, and other issues of the current day have worked their way into the content we consume. have you wondered why Star Wars has shifted to a strong Whamen (women front) recently? or why red heads are constantly replaced? What is the way forward here? Do you want David Hasslehoff back as Nick Fury (Yes he played the role)? We are all for these things when they make sense or if it improves the material. When it's done to pander for no real good reason, it makes a person wonder what the true intention is.

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