Karma's A B-Word: Scott Smith Beautifully Trolls Buta Biberaj At Her Concession Speech

1 year ago

The 2023 Virginia state and local elections didn't exactly go the way conservatives wanted them to, but there were some big victories. None was more significant to this writer, and to many other Virginians, than the ouster of Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj in her bid for re-election.

We won't recap all of Biberaj's many transgressions, all of which were disqualifying, but all Virginians and many others will remember how she prosecuted Loudoun County father Scott Smith, whose crime was attending a school board meeting to protest the sexual assault of his daughter in a school … a sexual assault that the school board covered up. Thankfully, Smith was pardoned by Gov. Glenn Youngkin (much to Biberaj's chagrin), but she had made a lifelong enemy of Smith, and who can blame him? He vowed to help defeat her, among other actions he is taking against Loudoun County.

On Nov. 15, Biberaj announced that she was conceding the election to Republican Bob Anderson. Oh, but it gets even better. If you were busy (as we were) not paying attention to anything Biberaj was saying, you probably noticed a lone protester in the back carrying a sign behind her supporters. The sign read 'Boot Buta.' Many on Twitter were quick to spot that too.

• More at: Twitchy - Karma's a B-Word: Scott Smith Beautifully Trolls Buta Biberaj at Her Concession Speech

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