Solving your Problems

1 year ago

I love assembling flatpack items. It’s my attempt at woodworking.

In high school I was advised to switch to accounting as it will “assure me better employment”. I had to give up my studies in using tools and building items.

There went my dream of building a cabin in the woods.

I know they meant well with the information they had, but I regret not following my instincts. I should’ve stayed on studying woodworking, it was fun.

Society has also made me feel “less of a man” for not being so hands-on. We’re bludgeoned each day to be “men”.

A definition that insists you don’t reflect on yourself and become aware of your own feelings. Instead, you have to “man up”, which is ridiculous since women deal with far more crap than men do.

So I listened to’s latest podcast on “What We Gain From Pain” and gave me a fresh perspective on “manning up”.

If you suffer trauma, you either learn from it or could just as easily retreat inward. Studies found that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” doesn’t matter. It’s how you process the pain.

So, instead of bitching and moaning that I didn’t learn woodworking, I just buy flatpacks and assemble them. Now I have a new chest of drawers.

Struggle - Norman Vincent Peale

#fyp #comedy #woodwork #toxicmasculinity #dog #fun

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