Is-ra-el, The ruse, seeing and doing, and me.

1 year ago

Well Is Ra El? You tell me, who is the original Author-ity? who cons-scripts?
What is our story? Who's story is it, ours or His?

Many questions and words to play with.
Per usual, this is merely a record of my understanding and truths I have developed with and without other journeymen and women before me.
I have about as much clue, in reality, as anybugger else so I can only offer my truths, those of me and you must find yours to set you free from the binds and masks that disguise your true self and have you live and walk the wrong path.
For those who deny me, I will not deny you if you seek me out.
You can learn much from the true faithful of all religions from their understanding and lives lived in truth to it.
And so, to you, the consistent and of love....Thank you.
❤🙏's= Right back at'yer.

Much L❤ve


Link: Vatican officially bans Catholics from joining Freemasons.

New to truth...this'll save you 10 years chasing and following, if you hear.

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