Biden Grants FCC the Authority to Control Every Aspect of the Internet – Say Goodbye to WWW Freedom

1 year ago

Digital Equity - a plan for all Internet Services and ALL Infrastructive. Biden's plan hands the administrative state effective control of all internet services in the country. They are turning the Internet into a Communist State. Things are bad now, but this is just another step of the NWO controlling everything.

Everything that you try to upload to the Internet will now be closely monitored and this is a major attack on ISP's. The government is basically taking over all Internet Service Providers and writing their polies from top to bottom and micro-manage it all.

This is a huge breach of freedom and will block all truth on the Internet and everything will be worse than mainstream news.

The entire Internet will become like Facebook, which is a CIA run company that has been a test run for future world wide web control.

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