Boston Protest Against The Israeli War Machine – Once More Into The Breach – 12 Nov 2023

1 year ago

(14:14 min) Audio Mp3 ...In Copely Square I could hear the roar of the crowd assembled at the Boston Public Library stone steps on the east side. The plaza in front of Trinity Church had large fencing because of construction, so the rally was squeezed onto the street and the wide sidewalk. When I arrived at 12:45 there looked to be about 500 people. There were lots of Palestinian flags. A speaker announced that people could get a Palestinian flag for $20 and carry it for the protest and get their $20 at the end if they brought the flag back, or keep the flag. The crowd had about 20% young looking college students or twenty-somethings, there were lots of people who looked Arabic or West Asian. Lots of families with fathers mothers and little kids and Stollers. There were women with headscarf’s, but not more than 10% or less.

The chants were constantly about a ‘cease fire now.’ ... (cont. )

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