The To Catch a Predator Iceberg Part 1

1 year ago

To Catch A Predator is a reality tv show hosted by Chris Hansen, which aired on the news broadcast, Dateline NBC.

The show features grown men, who after having usually sexually explicit conversations with who they believe to be minors, show up to an undercover sting house, looking to meet up with said minor and typically being arrested as a result.

Chris Hansen and Dateline NBC worked with an online vigilante watchdog group known as Perverted Justice, who would pose as underage children in online chatrooms, typically from the ages 12-15.

The show aired first in November 2004, with the final installment being in December 2007. Later in APril of 2015, Chris Hansen would announce a Kickstarter campaign to reboot the show, using footage that was never aired previously. This campaign was a success and was titled, “Hansen vs Predator.”

With dozens upon dozens of catches, there are many obscure or otherwise unknown facts about the 2 series.
Today, I will be covering the first tier of the To Catch a Predator iceberg. This iceberg has 7 tiers, with the top of the iceberg having the more famous predators, and the bottom having extremely obscure information that many have never heard of.

The tiers aren’t necessarily divided by depravity as much as it is divided by the obscurity of each entry. Many of the predators in tier one and tier two are disgusting and vile, however they still remain on the top tiers since they are well known within the To Catch a Predator fandom.

I’ll also only be covering the basic facts about most of these guys, but expect further elaboration in the later parts of the series.

This entire series was available on YouTube, but it was removed at 300,000 views..

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