Pete Santilli – CIA has been Practicing What They are Getting Ready to do to Americans – KILL US!

10 months ago

Pete Santilli says that we should be preparing right now out buying guns, bullets, storable foods and water. You can go to https://www.peteprepstore.

They plan on shutting down the food supply according to Pete and he says this can happen in just 72 hours, all the shelves will be empty. Then they plan on taking people off to FEMA camps to provide for them.

Without bullets and guns the second amendment is worthless. They have AK-47’s and they have plenty of ammo. The “immigrants” contain sleeper cells, hired killers, hired thieves.

We have both parties who are representing one side. The republicans that are not corrupt are spineless cowards and most are corrupt traitors. We are really in a lose, lose situation as the WEF has penetrated all the leaders of the world and those under them.

George Bush, Mitt Romney, WEF, Mossad, the CIA – they are one in the same.

Pete says the next election is already being stolen right now.

They have been practicing their direct energy weapons all around the world. They are using mind control.

Pete says our adversaries are being trained right now and America has zero clue what is being planned. The plan they have for you is not a good plan. When? We do not know. My opinion – within 10 years.

I don’t know much about this Pete Santilli guy, but what will it hurt to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. It is a no brainer that the world is becoming a mess with these leaders.

Pete Santilli is an investigative journalist and internet broadcaster since 2011. A former U.S. Marine and corporate executive with Bell South Mobile Communications and Coca-Cola; Pete decided to enter the realm of independent media after discovering the shocking truth about the coverup of 911. As an early adopter of internet live streaming technology, Pete is recognized by the American Film Institute as a pioneering broadcaster, and in 2016 became the first reporter to stream a major international news story to millions of viewers for an entire month.

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