United Nations Global Tyranny - (step by step)

1 year ago

withdraw from the united nations

1:30 population control (funded by tax-exempt foundations like Carnegie, Ford Rockefeller Foundation, government) [IMPLEMENTED]
3:40 Illegal home schooling (functioning family doesn't need large government) [IMPLEMENTED]
7:00 regain control at local level
8:00 right to arms will be abolished [IMPLEMENTED]
9:30 "they've been disarming people Australia where ... the United Nations have an active hand in it."
10:20 "when they hear the name United Nations they should run in the opposite direction
10:30 the UN will require that the Western world standard be reduced [IMPLEMENTED]
11:00 "no real scientific evidence need be produced for the doomsday claims" [IMPLEMENTED]
11:10 family size will be limited and a license required to have children
13:00 property right removed via environmental (and indiginous) laws [IMPLEMENTED]
14:30 United Nations treaty limits sovereighty [IMPLEMENTED]
15:30 Army under UN law. No state will have an army big enough to counter UN army [IMPLEMENTED]
19:45 Voting will exist as a facade. [IMPLEMENTED]
20:00 state government will become a subdivision of national government [IMPLEMENTED]
20:10 national government will become a subdivision of world UN government [IMPLEMENTED]
20:20 Bill of Rights, Constitution, (Magna Carta etc) will be surplanted by UN charters [IMPLEMENTED]
21:15 doublespeak in UN charters
22:45 global tyranny implemented slowly
23:30 only approved religions allowed [IMPLEMENTED]
25:45 resistance is futile [NOT]
27:00 withdraw from the united nations

relevant quote: The "defund police" mindset is promoted to get rid of local police, to be replaced with federal UN trained police.


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOj72mDbrc
channel: https://www.youtube.com/@freebroadcasting

One Crown People of Australia on Rumble & Bitchute:

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