EMBRACE THE SUCK - TRUTH by WDR Ep. 354 preview

1 year ago

Embrace the suck ya'll. What does this mean? It means you need to embrace the pain as it lasts because it is necessary, unavoidable, and it's making you stronger. Folks we have got to get so pissed at the demonic cabal so that it can never happen again. Please support TRUTH by going to www.footballvideos.com Get a Trump won hat like the one WDR wears on his show at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-trump-won-hat-70 get a Black Tesla Tee Shirt like the one WDR wears on his show by going to this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-black-tesla-shirt Join The House of SPARX by getting a General membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/general-membership-house-sparx Get a Bronze Membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/bronze-membership-house-sparx get a Silver Membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/silver-membership-house-sparx Get a Gold Membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/gold-membership-house-sparx Join Truthful Healing at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-rife-machine-25000 get some Ivermectin and join the club at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/get-ivermectin-gel-form-25-and-get-lifetime-membership-hos or click here to get a bottle of Pine Needle Tea http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-1-gallon-wdrs-pine-needle-tea
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