ag explains in further detail what this channel is all about

1 year ago

ooooh yoga ball
glad i didn't promise that haha
the pot calling the kettle unaware, amy
lack of impulse control is not due to marijuana
my content explains my existence...maybe
i know that i am stuck up my own ass
society has chosen tv + pharmaceuticals
how dare you not know who the fuck i am
if i deem it too mean, i won't put it up
the just kill yourself "bit"
i've admitted multiple x that i am a dark comedian so...
i hated kefir when i first started drinking it but i trusted that it was an acquired taste
paisley is way better than a woman
women won't shut up so fuck lesbianism
paisley is fine all by herself
my cat is now stuck in this prison w/ me
these poor pets of ours
it's important to show the humanity as well as the relevant stuff
found object underneath a table @ sns, i just had to hoard it
people only seem to be showing what they think the world wants to see
social networking is so boring
i don't understand the motivation behind internet culture
the reason why i am opposed to this is becuz it has significantly decreased productivity as well as creativity
i hope that i am a breath of fresh air
everyone online has gotta prove sumin or make $
my existence has managed to help people, that's why i do this
shitting on camera...also, i hate society
scatophilia is weird
not trying to expand upon mental illness
everyone is here becuz 2 people fucked
i need to talk about this on stage
i'd waaaay rather just eat cake
that ever-so-reliable body count
the white cheap is the most important chip, it's really the only one you need
we have a very large collection of white chips but this one is the original
nobody says weeeee! about getting sober
the rollercoaster from alcohol n drug use is way more unpredictable than a sober one
schizotypal personality is a mansion of self-reflection
i hope that this stays manageable, should i take brain supplements
i need to get back into learning sign language
i do what i can do instead of trying to be sumin that i'm not
i will leave it to maria bamford to sculpt jokes
people try too hard to emulate the model of success
the internet promised us so much in the beginning but much like everything else humanity fucked up a good thing
we began to change w/ the changing internet
we don't have this internet social life
i suck at companionship
she will leave me eventually
her brother left us both via almonds (toxic to cats)
arlo was eating my clothes n it messed up his digestive tract
i blamed myself for that whole thing but it was only partially my fault
declawing a cat is so cruel
western society's take on pets is completely backwards
animals aren't allowed to be what they are either
are we really at the top of the totem poll when it comes to consciousness
i can't believe i didn't mention the micro-chip!
maybe you're not supposed to have a pet
stop being such a codependent loser
goin on a rant (neck roll, tripping over words)
animals don't provide actual validation
that fur is a damn tease!
paisley is more n more like a tiger every day
my friend's 8 yr old son did this drawing
this drawing is exactly what goes on in my brain every night
i don't fault anyone for not wanting to watch what i do, i get it
paisley hisses at her tail n chases it around
she still acts like a kitten
every selfie that has ever existed is stupid
never felt too american

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