Exodus 11&12 Bible Study, The Passover Part 1 (Ex 11:1-12:28)

1 year ago

In this Bible study we cover Exodus 11.1 through 12.28. Included in this teaching is coverage of the announcement of the 10th and final plague as well as the introduction to the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. This is part one of two on the subject of this 10th and final plague. Here is a full outline of everything discussed:

03:20 - Breakdown of Exodus 11&12
04:12 - Exodus chapter 11
06:18 - Chapter 11 fits into the end of chapter 10.
08:36 - Why was Moses hot with Anger in Exodus 11.8?
10:58 - Exodus 11.2 - Silver & gold from the Egyptians
Psalm 105.37
Exodus 3.21-22
Exodus 12.35-36
Exodus 35 - for use in the creation of the Tabernacle
13:39 - The 10th Plague - Death of the Firstborn
15:52 - Exodus 11.5 - what is the significance of the Firstborn?
18:13 - Israel is God’s Firstborn
Exodus 4.21-23
Jeremiah 31.9
Hosea 11.1
20:43 - What right does God have to judge?
Isaiah 45.6-12
Deuteronomy 32.35
Romans 12.17-19
24:31 - Exodus 11.6 - word study “wailing”
24:57 - Exodus 11.7 - not a dog will bark
26:34 - Exodus 12.1-14 The Passover
30:20 - Exodus 12.1 - “in Egypt”
33:08 - Exodus 12.2 - The new first month “Abib,” “Aviv,” or “Nisan”
Exodus 12.2, 13.4, 23.15, 34.18, Deu 16.1
35:16 - The Passover lamb is to be a year old male without defect. A perfect lamb.
35:46 - Exodus 12.8 - the meat was to be roasted over a fire
Fire is often a picture of judgment in the Bible
Isaiah 66.15–17;
Joel 2.1–3;
Ps 97:3,
1 Cor 3.13;
2 Pt 3.12
36:36 - Exodus 12.8 - The Passover meal was to be eaten with bitter herbs
37:20 - Bread without yeast with their cloaks tucked in - a meal in haste
38:8 - Exodus 12:14-20 The Passover and the Festival of unleavened bread
40:05 - Exodus 12:14 - a lasting ordinance, the Passover was to be celebrated
Number 9
Joshua 5.10
2 Chr. 30 & 35, 2 Ki. 23
Ezra 6.19
43:07 - Exodus 12.15 & 19 - explanation for the future generation. The festival of unleavened bread was to be seven days.
43:48 - Yeast or Leaven in Exodus chapters 12 and 13.
Leviticus 2.11, 6.17
Matthew 16.6-12
1 Corinthians 5.6-7
47:53 - Exodus 12.19 - Cut off anyone who eats food with leaven - the Jews were to be a people set apart.
48:35 - Exodus 12:21-28.
50:16 - Exodus 12.23 - The Destroyer or “Death Angel”
1 Cor. 10.10
Psalm 78.49
51:47 - Naturalistic argument - some of the first plagues can be explained through natural means; this 10th plague is clearly God stepping in.
53:52 - Exodus 12:28 - The Israelites listen and obey.
55:41 - Review and summary
56:59 - The Passover is yet another example of a pattern of redemption throughout the Bible
Leviticus 17.11
Hebrews 9:22
57:43 - Genesis 22 - Another example of the substitutionary sacrifice - Abraham is called to sacrifice his son, Isaac.
The Passover meal is a reminder that the children of Israel were brought from death to life, that is why it is so important to remember and for the Jews to celebrate that meal.
1:00:04 - Was the Last Supper the Passover Sadder?
1:01:50 - The Passover is a picture of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Passover Lamb.
Supporting Bible verses:
John 1.29
Acts 8.26-35
Isaiah 53:7-8
Revelation 5.5-6
1 Corinthians 5.7
1:06:02 - Exodus 12.5 - says the lamb must be without defect
1 Peter 1.18-20
1 Peter 2:22
2 Corinthians 5:21
1:07:35 - It was not the life of the lamb that saved the people, it was the blood of the lamb that saved them.
Hebrews 9.22
Leviticus 17.11
Matthew 20.28
Matthew 26.28
John 3.14-17
Ephesians 1.7
1 Timothy 2.5-6
Revelation 5.9
Hebrews 9.28
1:10:36 - The Passover lamb was the substitute for the firstborn in each household. In the same way, Jesus was our substitute, he died our death for us:
Supporting verses:
1 Peter 2:24
Isaiah 53:5-6
1:11:21 - The Passover lamb would only be an atoning sacrifice if the blood was placed on the doorpost.
1 John 2:2
Romans 10:9-13
Galatians 2.20
Salvation comes through belief in your heart that Jesus is your Passover Lamb.

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Books used or referenced:

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Barker, Kenneth L.. Kohlenberger, John R. III. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Abridged, Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994.

Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.

Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001.

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