Jewish Political Plans Follow Religious Prophecies - TheRapeOfJustice - 2013

1 year ago

Published on May 5, 2013

"Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Daryl Bradford Smith, July 22, 2006.


Topics: Mike Rivero, Ezekiel, Gog & Magog, Religious Prophecies, Political Plans, Post-Millennial Battle, Religious Prophecies and Political Plans, Lebanon, American Media Are Promoting WW3, American Media are Promoting the Apocalypse, Apocalyptic War, "For hundreds of years Kabbalistic Jews have been feeding false Christian beliefs to Christians in anticipation of the events which are occuring today. They have been teaching these Christians that they will be raptured up in the Heaven by Jesus Christ and will not suffer from the harm that they intend to do to others.", Sabbatean Frankists, Kabbalistic Writings, "Evil is good, because it provokes God to intervere.", Khazars, Iran, Syria, Russia, Pakistan, Rothschild Fortune and Jewish Manipulations, The Purpose of Judaism is to destroy other nations, Ted Pike, Eustace Mullins, 2nd Psalm, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Shut Down the Israeli Economy, Iranian Government in Bed with Israelis, just like Saudi government and Egyptian government and Jordian government, Moshiach is the Antichrist, 9/11 Inside Job, WW3."

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