High-Stakes Meeting Set Between Biden andChinese President Xi Jinping

1 year ago

President Biden is set for a face-to-face, high-stakesmeeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping onWednesday as the U.S. and China - two of the world'sbiggest economic powerhouses - struggle to defusetensions.

Biden will go into the meeting in San Francisco withsome key goals, including resuming directmilitary-to-military lines of communication as a way tolower the temperature between Washington andBeijing. The sensitive issue of Taiwan is also on thetable, as are the wars in Europe and the Middle East.

The meeting, on the sidelines of the Asia-PacificEconomic Cooperation (APEC) summit, marks the firsttime Xi has come to the U.S. in six years. Biden and Xilast met one year ago in Indonesia but have notspoken since.

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